Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In the last entry, I was talking about my impression from the "Toy Story 3". If I am asked "what's my favorite movie so far?", I and my son can say, "It's Amadeus", as my son saw me watching this movie over and over again (perhaps 20 times or more). We had a video tape, but after watching a few times, it was ruined. Fortunately, DVD came out and I bought it without any hesitation.

I asked myself, "why am I so obsessed with this film?". Perhaps I can say a few things to answer. First, I love (usually light) classical musics and the movie is very well mixed with lovely musics written by Mozart and Salieri. Secondly, the main actors done their jobs so well and the movie has very good storyline. Thirdly, I have a deep compassion for Salieri. In the movie, he did his best for his successful career in music. He constructed himself with his own hands with a little help from his musical talent and became a court composer. He thanked God for the guidance and plan for his path.

Then suddenly, Mozart appeared in front of him and challenged him. Mozart, a wunderkind in music, stored all music notes in his brain and simply wrote them down without any correction, and those musics came out perfect. On the other hand, Salieri wrote a draft and had to revise it many times before he finalized it. Salieri felt betrayed by God, and blamed him for his unjustness and unfairness, particularly because he saw Mozart is arrogant and not humble at all (in other words, asshole). "How can the God choose such a despicable creature to praise him through the music?"

And then, he made a secret plan to kill God's incarnation (i.e., Mozart). Although the plan was accomplished (and he thought he would stand alone and get praised by people), he watched himself disappearing from people's attention, perhaps because his musical enthusiasm dwindled after his competitor was gone. He has been suffered from what he has done, and finally he was housed in a mental institute. His last lines in the movie were very touchy. "I am the king of mediocrities. I absolve you! I absolve you!".

If I were Salieri, would I be different from him?

Most of people, including myself, are mediocre, meaning that we are not born geniuses like Mozart. But people like Mozart are very very rare, and perseverance (plus little luck or fortune) is the key for most successful people. I have to admit that I am often jealous of other people's success, although I should've read the story behind their success. 어쩔수 없는 한 욕심많은 인간이지요. ㅠㅠ.


  1. 저희 모두 어쩔 수 없이 그런 성정을 부인할 수 없지요.ㅡㅜ;;

    저 역시 여러 번 본 영화입니다. ㅋ

  2. 아마도 욕심이 항상 지배하나봅니다.
