Wednesday, June 9, 2010


My son started learning how to drive, and I have to be an instructor. Those who had this kind of experience with their children would understand how much they are driving us nervous. As you perhaps know, driving instructors have never got respected. After about four months of practice, he is now driving a way better than I expected. Soon he will take the driving test, (if he passes) then he will be able to roam freely. Now that's more scary (>/<).

Sometimes we remind of our past time by observing our fruits of loins. I did not have any experience of driving before I came to 미국. Then I got the license after I failed to pass the driving test twice. I was involved in accidents four times (luckily all minor) and had one speeding ticket in my whole driving period (over 20 years now). I have been driving longer than 73,000 miles (assuming 10 miles per day on average). This is equivalent to ~25 times trans-continental travel. I have had nine cars (mostly 중고차 or more commonly referred to as 똥차). About 11 years ago, we bought our first brand new car (새차). My hands were shaking when I handed a down-payment check ($5,000) to the dealer, as that was the biggest amount that we had ever written. Shortly after we started enjoying our first 새차, that car was hit by another car at the parking lot (the odometer read less than 1000 miles) ㅠㅠ. After a few years, the car was wrecked by a tree fall. This was really a scary moment, as a sudden and severe storm made this tree falling while we were driving. On the other hand, I feel lucky as this kind of experience is very rare (돈 주고도 못해요). What will come next? Who knows? |°~

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