Wednesday, June 30, 2010


미국에 살면, 집들이 야드를 많이 같고 있어서인지 심심 찮게 야생동물들을 (squirrels, chipmunks, skunks, lots of birds, snakes, opossum, raccoons, ground hogs, 반디불, and even fox) 목격하게 된다. 어떤 놈들은 세도 안내고, 버저시 한 구텅이에 아예 터를 잡고 산다. 게중에 무었이 가장 혐오스런 동물이라 물으면 아마도 뱀이 top of the list 에 오르지 안을까 한다. 많은 사람들이 뱀을 보면 (크던 작던간에) 일단 기겁부터 하니 (그 원인은 이브에게 있었다고 하지, 아마?)

배-배-뱀이다! 헉억. (아래 사진은 이 기사와 관계없음)

밤 늦게 computer 일을 하고 있었는데, 방 한 모서리에 뭔 긴 작데기 (about 1.5-feet long) 같은것이 움직이는 것 같아, 자세히 보니, 헉억. 배-배-뱀이닷!!! I almost got a heart attack!!! 'Oh my god! Omigosh!! What the hell!!! What should I do? How and why did it get inside in the middle of the summer night??'

잠시 생각해 보다가, 이정도 작은 놈은 한번 해볼수 있겠다. 싶어 장갑을 끼고, 집게와 빈 김치병을 찻아 이 놈을 잡기로 했다. 왠걸, my clumsy reaction to its movement let it escape behind the bookcase. 'Dang!!! What an idiot!!! 어째 그거 하나 못 잡냐?' 스스로를 책망하면서, 다시 심사+숙고. 하다 내린 결론이 "call 911".
Their response: we don't handle that kind of occasion. I will give you a number you can call (wild animal control or something like that).
With 반신반의, I called that number. Not surprisingly, nobody answered this late.

'큰일이다. 어떡하나? 밤세 지켜보다가 (어디 있는지 알아야 하니까), 아침에 전화해야 하나?' 안절부절, 안부절절~~~
밑져야 본전이다 싶어, 민중의 지팡이 (일명 경찰)에게 도움을 청해 보기로 했다. 세금도 낼 많큼 내는데....(여담이지만, 내가 한국에 살던 시절엔 경찰이 '민중의 몽둥이'로 불렸다. 아마 486세대는 잘 아시겠지만).

다행이도, 한 민중의 지팡이가 약 30분 후에 집에 왔는데, 아무런 장비도 없이 맨손이다.. '으~ 도데체 예는 왜 온 거야? 한번 check 하고 딴 사람 부르려나? 아님 총만 믿고왔나? 혹시 경찰을 가장한 터미내이터2?' 

어디 있는지 묻더니 bookcase를 움직여, 뱀이 똥무더기처럼 또아리틀고 숨어 있는걸 찻았다 (아마도 예는 더놀랬을거시다. 내가 왜 여기 왔나 엄청 후회 하면서...). 그러더니 이 민중의 지팡이, 맨손을 두어번 슉슉하더니 금새 잡아버린다..
그리고 잠시 가지고 놀더니,
then he said, "It is a king snake, a common one in this area. It is not poisonous. Do you want to pet?". "No thanks. Please take it away. I was scared to almost death because of it", I said. He smiled, and then disappeared into the dark night with the snake.

살다보니 밸일이 다 생기네.... 그날밤 가슴이 통게통게하여 잠을 한참 못이루다가 잠이 들었는데, 여러 야생동물로 부터 쫗겨다니는 (한 여름밤의) 꿈을 꾸었다. 이제 이 자라보고 놀란가슴 어떠케 치료해야 하나? ㅠㅠ. ~*|*~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

얼마나 메울까?

Many cultures including Korean have adopted hot & spicy foods. I like spice foods, too. Those foods were not popular in the US when I came here about 20+ years. Then, influences from Mexican, Thai, and Korean spicy foods have been making American people hooked with the spicy foods. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see that even burger franchise stores advertise hot burgers containing jalapeno peppers.

Various types of peppers are the main ingredient of the spicy foods.
(Q1) Which pepper is the hottest on Earth?
The degree of hotness is determined by the content of a chemical called capsaicin in the pepper. A while ago, an American chemist Wilbur Scoville developed a way to test the strength of the hotness (source: Wikipedia). Since then, Scoville Heat Units (SHU) have been used to indicate the amount of capsaicin in a chili pepper. According to this rating,
Bhut Jolokia chili is considered the hottest pepper followed by Habanero. It is so hot that Indian military announced to use it as a 최루탄.

(Q2) Then what is the mildest one?? Guess (answer shown in the end).

I was looking for a recipe for an Indian dish, called Korma. The one I found described Cayenne pepper as an ingredient. Since I have not heard of it before, I researched a little about it. SHU for this pepper is moderate between Serrano and Thai pepper. So it is fair to say that it is hot one (at least to me). Of surprise, Cayenne peppers seem to have a variety of medicinal power (

(Q3) Well, my last question (to myself) is: How is my food?? Can't answer it yet, as I have not made it. Perhaps someday next week... ~*|*~

Q2-Answer: Bell pepper (피망)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In the last entry, I was talking about my impression from the "Toy Story 3". If I am asked "what's my favorite movie so far?", I and my son can say, "It's Amadeus", as my son saw me watching this movie over and over again (perhaps 20 times or more). We had a video tape, but after watching a few times, it was ruined. Fortunately, DVD came out and I bought it without any hesitation.

I asked myself, "why am I so obsessed with this film?". Perhaps I can say a few things to answer. First, I love (usually light) classical musics and the movie is very well mixed with lovely musics written by Mozart and Salieri. Secondly, the main actors done their jobs so well and the movie has very good storyline. Thirdly, I have a deep compassion for Salieri. In the movie, he did his best for his successful career in music. He constructed himself with his own hands with a little help from his musical talent and became a court composer. He thanked God for the guidance and plan for his path.

Then suddenly, Mozart appeared in front of him and challenged him. Mozart, a wunderkind in music, stored all music notes in his brain and simply wrote them down without any correction, and those musics came out perfect. On the other hand, Salieri wrote a draft and had to revise it many times before he finalized it. Salieri felt betrayed by God, and blamed him for his unjustness and unfairness, particularly because he saw Mozart is arrogant and not humble at all (in other words, asshole). "How can the God choose such a despicable creature to praise him through the music?"

And then, he made a secret plan to kill God's incarnation (i.e., Mozart). Although the plan was accomplished (and he thought he would stand alone and get praised by people), he watched himself disappearing from people's attention, perhaps because his musical enthusiasm dwindled after his competitor was gone. He has been suffered from what he has done, and finally he was housed in a mental institute. His last lines in the movie were very touchy. "I am the king of mediocrities. I absolve you! I absolve you!".

If I were Salieri, would I be different from him?

Most of people, including myself, are mediocre, meaning that we are not born geniuses like Mozart. But people like Mozart are very very rare, and perseverance (plus little luck or fortune) is the key for most successful people. I have to admit that I am often jealous of other people's success, although I should've read the story behind their success. 어쩔수 없는 한 욕심많은 인간이지요. ㅠㅠ.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Toy Story

Yesterday, we all went to watch a new Disney Pixar movie, Toy Story 3. When the first one came out in 1995, my son was only a toddler who had a few toys at home. The movie was sensational as this was the first one showing this type of animation. Not only the technical innovation, but also the storyline was so fresh and novel, bringing the materials (toys) into lives. Toys are alive only when humans are not around. This kind of idea might be from a famous comic strip, called "Calvin and Hobbs" in which Hobbs (stuffed tiger) becomes alive only when Calvin is with him.

I don't remember much of Toy Story 2. But this third sequel was really fun to watch. The story began when Andy is about to leave for the college and he is now an almost grown-up who would not be interested in his old toys any more. Upon clearing his room, he has to do something about the toys that he had kept since he was in the episode-1 (trashing or keeping them in the attic). The rest is all about Toys' adventurous story.

The theater was packed with people, and we barely found our seats. And I believe they all had a wonderful time. The time-line of Toy Story trilogy is kind of similar to my son's life, because he is going to college in a couple of years. And I asked him if there is anything he would like to keep forever. The answer is No (naturally). Maybe he does have one in mind (nobody knows what's in the teenager's brain). Anyway, the movie was refreshing and like to recommend to other people. It looks good for kids, teenagers, and grown-ups. ~°|°~

Friday, June 18, 2010

NBA finals

NBA post season games were finally over. The result was disappointing. Lakers edged Celtics in their 7th match and grabbed the championship. Although I am not a big basketball fan, Celtics have a root in me, as we had lived in Boston area for about four years before we came down South.
When I was a school kid in Korea, I had a chance to learn about American NBA stars. The only one I still can remember is "압둘자바, Abdul Jabbar", perhaps because the name sounded funny to me. Among recent players, I like John Stockton (photo). One reason is that he is handicapped with respect to his height. Of course he is still way taller than me, but he is shorter compared to other players. Still he had played successfully in NBA for many years (I think he retired a few years ago). It is always a pleasure to see a great achievement by a physically and/or mentally inferior person.

Speaking of heights in sports, there was a talented soccer player in Korean national team long time ago. His name is 김진국. Like Stockton, he was also very short (~160 cm high). That was one reason why he received lots of attention from soccer fans.

The University where I am working currently boasts a very strong women's basketball team, which had won NCAA national championship eight times. The team has had only one coach for over 30 years!!! She is a very strong woman and a very talented coach. She managed more than 1000 wins during her tenure, the most wins in the NCAA history. In addition to her coaching skills, I have been deeply impressed by her loyalty to one team for such a long period of time. Shortly after a season is over, coaching markets are open. Some are fired due to team's poor performance, some simply moves to place which offers better money. It is rare to see that one coach sticks to a team longer than 5 years. In other words, sports are one big business where money governs nearly everything. I bet the aforementioned coach has been (better) offered by many other teams. But for some reason, she sticks to the same team for long time, a rare case that impresses me and other people a lot. There must be something else more than money. ~°|°~

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

세상에서 제일 맛있는 것?

무었이 세상에서 제일 맛있을까?

If you ask 100 people this question, I bet you will get 100 different answers, depending on their ages, gender, family and cultural backgrounds, emptiness of the stomach, and diversity of available foods, etc.

What is/was the best dish for me, then? I cannot pick one, as the answer has been changing throughout my life (I am a few years behind the age of 지천명 or 오학년). When I was in elementary & middle school, some classmates from wealthy family brought 장조림 or 진주햄 소시지 as 도시락 반찬. Those were so delicious that I could not forget them even today. So whenever I go to Korean grocery, I have a habit of putting one 소시지 in the cart. It is still a yummy item to me.

Another one I can remember vividly was the peanut butter. Back then, peanut butters were only from the US Army's PX. Somehow my mother was able to bring one jar to home. Once I tasted one spoonful of this, I was willing to trade my soul for this brown paste. Even now, I often enjoy one or two spoonfuls of the peanut butter once in a while.

Another mouth-watering food was "roasted chicken" with radish pickle. I could not forget how scrumptious this was. On the way home, there was a store on the street which displayed a rack with rotating chickens in an oven. The smell and the view almost killed me several times. 바르쟝??

During puberty (사춘기), everything was yummy, and nothing was wasted. 도시락 was usually done after second period, and we went 도시락 hunting during the regular lunch hour.... At least I was fortunate to bring 도시락, as some poor kids were not able to do it.

As time goes by, 술안주 became the main subjects of the best food. My budget was usually quite limited, so I and friends of mine looked for inexpensive foods in 포장마차. 꼼장어, 닭발 (the photo above is so modernized version), 순대 or 오뎅 were the best and usual menus on the table.

Upon settlement in the US, I was encountered with so many different ethnic foods and fruits. At first,typical American junk foods (burger and pizza) were most attractive. Then my interests shifted to Mexican (Fajita), Italian (mainly pastas), Thai, and Indian dish.

These days, instead of being served, I am trying to make dishes myself. Making something with my own hands makes me feel great. Sometimes they came out quite nicely, sometimes did not. But my family appreciates and enjoys my cooking, no matter what. ~°|°~

Monday, June 14, 2010

Student Athlete (학생선수)

One student who was in my class last semester was a student athlete (sprinter). I did not know how good she was. When I was reading a newspaper (June 12, 2010), I popped my eyes open, as I saw that she made a front line in the Sports section. The report said that she won 여자 800 meters at the NCAA outdoor Track and Field (육상) Championship. WOW. That is a big deal... More amazingly, she was an A-student in my class; other faculty also commented that she did very well in their classes, too.

During the semester, she often made excuses for missing the tests due to the competition events and requested make-up tests. At first, I thought she was one of the mediocre students who used to make up excuses and procrastinate tests. Most of student athletes whom I've seen so far were usually this case. Then when I graded her tests, I was surprised at her high scores. Considering that student athletes have to spend a fair amount of time for training and participating in the competition events, it is not easy for them to keep up with the courses, let alone high grades. Anyway, it was very refreshing, and she should be the best role model for other student athletes. ~°|°~

Thursday, June 10, 2010


나는 만화책을 참 조아하는 편이다. 어렸을 때는 거의 만화가게 단골이였다. 그러려면 돈이 필요한데, 십원에 여섯권정도 볼수 있을 정도의 돈은 다행이 있었던것 같다. 단골인 관계로 몇권 추가로 볼 수도 있었고, 또 주인 아줌마 몰래 한-두권 끼어느면 (주인 아줌마는 알고도 모른 척), 십원내고 한 열권도 보는 경우도 있으니, 하루 3-4 시간은 만화가게에서 살았다고 보면 맞을것이다. 그러나, 돈이 항상 있는거시 아니니, 부정한 일이 벌어질수 밖에없다. 누나 저금통 털기... 나쁜 짓이 항상 그렇드시 바늘도둑 소도둑 되는건 시간문제렸다. 게다가 꼬리가 길면 잽히는법... 결과는???

미국에서 살기 시작하면서 영어로 전달되는 만화, 코미디등은 전혀 이해가 가지 않았다. 그러다가, 학교다니고, 결혼하고, 자식키우고, 투표하고, 집 사 보고 팔아 보고, 세금보고서 늦지않게 내고 등등 하면서 미국문화에 대한 이해의 폭이 넓어졌는지, 이젠 제법 신문에 실리는 comic strip 이 재미있다. 옛 버릇 개 못 준다고, 이젠 만화책까지 사다가 탐독하고 있다 (잘 잃히는 comic strip 을 모아서 낸 책은 서점에서 살수있음). 시간이 그만큼 흐른거지. 아마도 문화는 머리로 아는 것이 아니라 몸으로 느끼는 것이 아닐까? ~°|°~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


My son started learning how to drive, and I have to be an instructor. Those who had this kind of experience with their children would understand how much they are driving us nervous. As you perhaps know, driving instructors have never got respected. After about four months of practice, he is now driving a way better than I expected. Soon he will take the driving test, (if he passes) then he will be able to roam freely. Now that's more scary (>/<).

Sometimes we remind of our past time by observing our fruits of loins. I did not have any experience of driving before I came to 미국. Then I got the license after I failed to pass the driving test twice. I was involved in accidents four times (luckily all minor) and had one speeding ticket in my whole driving period (over 20 years now). I have been driving longer than 73,000 miles (assuming 10 miles per day on average). This is equivalent to ~25 times trans-continental travel. I have had nine cars (mostly 중고차 or more commonly referred to as 똥차). About 11 years ago, we bought our first brand new car (새차). My hands were shaking when I handed a down-payment check ($5,000) to the dealer, as that was the biggest amount that we had ever written. Shortly after we started enjoying our first 새차, that car was hit by another car at the parking lot (the odometer read less than 1000 miles) ㅠㅠ. After a few years, the car was wrecked by a tree fall. This was really a scary moment, as a sudden and severe storm made this tree falling while we were driving. On the other hand, I feel lucky as this kind of experience is very rare (돈 주고도 못해요). What will come next? Who knows? |°~

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

e-mail 공포증

I have an email-phobia that discourages me to open email accounts. A colleague of mine estimated that we get an average 25 emails per day. Perhaps half of them are junk or irrelevant, and the other half requires my full or partial or immediate attention, which distract me significantly from what I am doing now.

I saw, for the first time, the emailing system about 20 years ago. My roommate, who was then a graduate student in electrical engineering, used emails via a modem. It was totally cool to see that you can send/receive things through a cable. Yet it took me another 10 years to start using my own emails. Back then, I had received perhaps 1 or 2 emails per week. Now I have a secondary email account, blog, and Facebook --. WOW. Its 장족의 발전? Ironically, despite this much advanced communication tools available, people in this world do not seem to communicate as efficiently as before. It became very rare to receive a Christmas card via snail mail. I miss old and slow days... °|°

Monday, June 7, 2010


Yesterday, my wife and son harvested 매실 for the first time. Many of them have a scar on the surface and they oozed out some gooey stuff perhaps to protect them from the insect attack. Since one of my hobbies is to make 무운-shine, I decided to try 매실주. When I was a college student, our lab members visited our mentor professor on the New Year's day. He treated us with 매실주, and his wife (사모님) told me that she makes 매실주 every year. To my recollection, the 매실주 was quite tasty. Frankly speaking I don't remember the taste, as I was quite drunken that day ^/^ (that I remember, amazingly). However, I do remember that it was not too bad :-). Since then, I wished to make one myself, and finally my patience got paid~~.

°|° (this icon that I made looks like a head of demselfly).


Today, it is our 18th anniversary. Time flies like an arrow, as someone (Robin Hood or William Tell?) said. Although I do not want to live forever (80 years or less is my goal), I really like to make a time-travel to see the world 500 years later. And I wonder if the humans still exist, and if they do, how they live a life. Anyway, it is a special day and I will have to make a plan to please my sweetheart who gave me a reason to live/survive. After all, 18 years is not a short time, and I feel proud of myself, being able to make such a long-term relationship with one person. Hope this continues forever...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jet lag

It's been a week now since I came back from the trip to Oahu. Perhaps because of the age, adjusting to the new time zone is a bit difficult. This morning, we ate taro-pancakes from the mix that we bought in HI. It tasted not much different from others that we used to eat. But my honey's syrup made of Ang-do is really good. Thanks hon. Hope I come back to normal life as soon as I can.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Starting blog

It is the first time to build my own blog. My first computer experience was a 'Fortran' which required a thick pack of punch cards for programming. Several years later, the first Apple computer came out. It was revolutionary as it removed my computer-scare. Like everything else these days, computers have been evolving at a pace that I cannot keep up with. Anyway, now I have my own blog, and I do not know what to do with it. As a starter, perhaps I can write a diary. My Korean typing is very poor, but my English composition is not so good, even after over 20 years of living here. I guess my Konglish is still understandable, thus I would like to stick to English.