Monday, May 23, 2011

so beautiful bug-3: snipe fly

While I was preparing a cookout for friends to visit, one black creature with a golden top flew nearby and caught my attention.

Who am I?  A buggologist. ^^

It did not fly well, so I caught it with fingers and put it on ice to immobilize it. Then I took several shots, one of which is shown here.

By looking at this, I was amazed by its beauty.  Black body with golden thorax and gray eyes.  The darkish wings have black veins.  Legs are a bit long; the femurs (the base segments) are black, but lower sections are lightly colored. The pointy abdomen is an identification key for this group of flies, called "snipe flies". 

Taxonomically, they belong to Order Diptera (meaning two winged bugs), Family Rhagionidae, Genus Chrysopilus.

Ahh. So beautiful!  Don't you agree?