Tuesday, July 26, 2011

so beautiful bug-9: Damselflies (실잠자리)

특별한 이유를 대라면, 할말이 없지만요, 그저 잠자리가 어느새 내가 가장 좋아하는 곤충이 되었내요.  어렸을 적, 잠자리에 실을 메달아 방안에서 놀던 추억이 되 살아 납니다.

다른 잠자리 (dragonflies) 와는 달리, 실잠자리는 주로 물가에서 많이 보이는데,
하늘하늘 날라다니는 것이 고운 색시 (=damsel) 같아서 인지, 영어로는 damselfly라 이름이 주어졌군요.

종류가 많지는 않지만, 날개가 색들어 있는 놈과 투명한 놈들이 흔히 보입니다.
Aren't they so beautiful??

metallic head and thorax. dark but transparent wings when they are spanned.
(Click to enlarge)
metallic body and black wings (click to enlarge)
transparent wings and light-blue body.  Since damselflies are not staying in one position long, it is a bit hard to approach closely to get their  portraits with better resolution. 카메라가 쫌 좋아야 하는데, ㄲㄲ...
Click to enlarge (클릭하면 확대할 수 있음니다).

With their cousins, dragonflies, they belong to Order Odonata.  Like grasshoppers, they undergo incomplete metamorphosis (in other words, they do not have distinct pupal stage).
Juveniles (larvae) are aquatic as shown below.  They have under-developed wings.  Who knows?  They might fly under the water. ^^!

damselfly larva (adapted from Bugguide.net).  Click to enlarge.
It is amazing to see that juveniles and adults have completely different life styles (aquatic vs. terrestrial).  Such changes of the habitat must be accompanied by substantial remodeling of the body structures (for example, breathing apparatus) during metamorphosis.   =°|°=

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