Friday, December 31, 2010


여러 친구가족들과 어울려 약 3.5 시간 운전해서,  귀 빠진뒤 처음으로  Atlanta suburb 에 있는 찜질방이란 곳을 가보았다.
It is a bit interesting place; there is no privacy as everybody gets naked to change and take a shower or sauna.  The place is huge, and decorated with many interesting stuffs.  For instance, the benches in the 찜질방 hall were big logs.  Several specialized 찜질방s were built; 숯방, 보석방, 소금방, 얼음방, 등등.  My favorite was 'steam sauna', which reminded me of 한증탕 in public bath in Korea a while ago.

In addition to Koreans or Korean-Americans, there seems to be a fair number of people with (Northern?) European heritage. It was a new experience for me as well as my wife and son.  My son particularly seemed to be quite impressed.
We spent several hours at 찜질방, stayed a night at a hotel nearby, went to hair-salon/shop and came home safely.  We all felt like Hillbillies visiting 서울. ㅎㅎ.
On the way home, I felt so good.  On the other hand, I felt guilty for our younger generations.  ㅠㅠ.  Considering the amount of energy used by this kind of place in a single day, our generation invented so many things like this and has been exhausting all global energy reserves.
How long can we sustain??  That will be a (REALLY) serious cencern that our children's generations should find an answer to survive.



  1. I think I know where you've been. ^^ I haven't been there but heard it is a quite popular place.

    BTW, I wish you and your family have a very happy healthy blessed new year. It is just one hour left. ^^

  2. damselfly님, 새해 복많이 받으세요. 제 블러그에 자주 들러주셔서 감사드리구요. 앞으로도 많은 조언 부탁드려요. 점점 영어에 자신도 없어지고 처음왔을때처럼 영어공부에 대한 적극성도 떨어지고 해서 걱정입니다. 가족분들 모두 건강하시길 기원합니다. 행복하세요.

  3. littletree nym. Thanks for your visit. 가족분들 모두 건강+행복하시길 기원합니다.

  4. Saunas are my favourite. I agree with you. Good for entire body and thoughts. Favorite sauna type?
