Wednesday, July 14, 2010

요행 그리고 다행

When I came to TN about 10 years ago, the state of TN had no lottery. However, the debate had been very hot for a while. The opponents claimed that gambling or lottery disturbs people's spirit (or something like that. You know what I mean.). The proponents said, "TN borders eight states (WOW! This is the state that borders most other states in the USA). Anyway, people go to the neighboring states to buy the lottery tickets. Why do we lose the our money to other states??" The proponents won, and TN started selling lottery tickets. Fortunately, lawmakers set the rule that certain amount of lottery income should be spent for college scholarships.

I confess that I often buy the tickets to support TN education (^^!), and then I dream, 'What would I do, if I'd be a multi-millionaire? Hmm. Early retire? Car? Mortgage? Travel? Build a temple? Decent homes for our parents? Donation to the Department of Treasury to pay back some National debt??' Dreaming per se makes me happy for a few days until the winning numbers are picked. 피-식- (깨몽하는 소리, 김빠지는 소리). Well, I guess one-dollar-ticket may worth for such an ephemeral dream. And I feel 'lucky' not being selected as a winner, as such easy money certainly will drive me crazy... =°|°=

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