Thursday, February 3, 2011

참 우스운 재미난 전통

Yesterday was Groundhog Day. It is a kind of day equivalent to Korean 경칩.
Groundhog is a small mammal, living in a burrow on a pastureland.  It is also called woodchuck.  A legend says that the groundhog, named Phil, in Punxsutawney (a small town in Pennsylvania) can predict how longer the cold winter would last.

This year the Punxsutawney Phil foreshadowed early spring. ^^! (Click the link below).

"Punxsutawney Phil emerged around dawn to make his 125th annual weather forecast in front of thousands who braved muddy, icy conditions to hear his handlers reveal that Pennsylvania's prophetic rodent had not seen his shadow." From The Detroit News.


"Several thousand revelers gathered in the pre-dawn hours on a small hill called Gobbler's Knob to hear the prediction.  Before today, Phil had seen his shadow 98 times and hadn't seen it 15 times since 1887. ....
The tradition traces its origins to a German superstition."

영화  Groundhog Day 로 더 유명해진 "Punxsutawney Phil".
I hope (s)he is right this year, as this winter has been bitterly coooold....  =°°=

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