Friday, October 25, 2013

또 교내슈팅

날씨: 49-27°F
올 겨울 처음 영하의 온도가 예상되는 늦가을이다.

또 학교 총기사건으로 학교가 피로 물들었다.
네바다주 Sparks 시 (주도인 Reno 의 위성도시).  Lake Tahoe 근처에 위치한  Nevada 의 또 다른 도박/관광도시.  아주 오래전 한 번 지나가 본적이 있는 곳이다.

이 도시의 한 중학교에서 이번엔 12살 짜리가 선생님 한 분과 두 학생을 쏘고 자살한 사건이다.
선생님은 veteran 으로 전쟁터에서 살아 돌아왔는데, 어이없게도 일터에서 유명을 달리했으니, 보이지 않는 내부 의 적이 더 무서운 것임엔 틀림이 없다.

삶과 죽음; 운명일까?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

가을 문턱에서

날씨: 52-75°F

그리 덥지 않았던 여름이 물러나고, 아침-저녁 찬바람이 제법 메섭다.  서서히 한 해가 또 마침표를 찍기위해 깊어가는 가을밤을 새로운 별자리들로 수를 놓고 있다.

학기도 벌써 중간 지점까지 오니 아이들도 시험치르느라 정신이 없다.
제도 안에서 살아가려면 어쩔 수 없이 남을 평가해야하고 또 평가를 받아야 한다.  그것이 삶을 고통스럽게 한다.  저기 창공을 푸닥거리며 날아가는 참새의 삶이 내 것보다 더 못할 것이 없는데, 쉬이 그 짜여진 틀을 깨지 못함은 어인 까닭인지...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

문 닫은 정부

날씨: 62-83°F, mostly clear

콩그레스의 의견 불일치로 예산집행이 불가하여, 10월 1일 자로  오바마행정부가 쓸 돈이 압류된 상태가 되었다.  항상 그렇지만 쌍방의 의견은 다들 그 이유가 그럴듯 하다.  그래서 무지한 궁민들은 했갈린다.  어느 제도든 혜택을 받는 쪽은 지지하고, 그 반대 쪽은 반대하고...

많은 federal employees 는 무급인데, 정책 결정의 주인공들은 (대통령, 국회의원 등등) 꾸준이 월급을 챙긴다는 사실. 자기들도 고통분담을 해야 하지않나??

아래 글은 CNN 에서:

1. Why did the government shut down?
Congress has one key duty in the Constitution -- pass spending bills that fund the government. If it doesn't, most functions of government -- from funding agencies to paying out small business loans and processing passport requests -- grinds to a halt. But some services, like Social Security, air traffic control and active military pay, will continue to be funded. Oh, and Congress still gets paid, too.
2. Why does it have to pass a spending bill in the middle of the year?
It may be the middle of the calendar year, but the government's fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30.
3. What was the holdup?
House Republicans insist any new spending bill include provisions to either defund, derail or otherwise chip away at Obamacare. Senate Democrats are just as insistent that it doesn't.
4. How is Obamacare tied to the spending bill?
The health care law isn't directly tied to funding the government, but it's being used as a bargaining chip. A group of Republicans, led by freshman Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, believe the president's signature domestic policy achievement is so bad for the country that it is worth disrupting government funding to undercut it.
5. What are some of the objections to Obamacare?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the actual name of the law, requires all Americans to have health insurance. Opponents say it'll hurt employers and amounts to overreach by the federal government. Some have also criticized the medical device tax that's part of the law, saying that by imposing such a tax, it's basically sending jobs overseas.
6. What's the Democrats' defense?
They say the law will expand access to health care and help rein in the rising costs of coverage. Obamacare prevents those with pre-existing medical conditions from being denied health insurance, and proponents say those who have health insurance will no longer have to indirectly pay for those who show up in emergency rooms uninsured.
7. What happened with the spending bill over the weekend?
The Republican-dominated House passed two spending bill amendments Sunday morning -- one that would delay Obamacare for a year and one that would repeal the Obamacare's medical device tax. The bill went back to the Senate, where Democrats who control that chamber have consistently said any changes to Obamacare would be a deal-killer.
8. What happened Monday?
The Senate rejected the latest House proposal, prompting the House to approve another spending plan that would remove the Obamacare individual mandate. The Senate rejected that, too, setting the stage for a shutdown.
9. What happened overnight?
House members voted to reaffirm the anti-Obamacare amendments that Senate Democrats have said would be a deal-breaker. They also requested a conference with the Senate to work out their differences.
10. What will happen Tuesday?
The Senate will reconvene and will likely make a decision on the House's offer to talk. But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said late Monday night that he wouldn't agree to such a meeting until the House presents a clean spending bill stripped of the amendments.
"We will not go to conference with a gun to our head," he said.
11. Has this happened before?
Yes, this shutdown is the first since late 1995. That one lasted 21 days, into 1996.
12. How many government workers could be furloughed?
Most of the 3.3 million government workers are deemed "essential" -- they'll keep working. But more than 800,000 government employees will sit at home, according to a CNN analysis.
Many of the furloughed federal workers are supposed to be out of their offices within four hours of the start of business Tuesday.
13. What will this do to the economy?
Depends on how long it lasts. If it's just a few days, the hit might not be severe. But the total economic impact is likely to be at least 10 times greater than the simple calculation of lost wages of federal workers, said Brian Kessler, economist with Moody's Analytics. His firm estimates that a three- to four-week shutdown would cost the economy about $55 billion.
14. How will this affect me?
In ways big and small. The mail will continue to come. The military will continue to fight. And Social Security checks will continue to be paid.
But if you need a federal loan to buy a house, you'll have to wait. If you want a gun permit or a passport, that won't happen anytime soon.
15. Will a shutdown kill Obamacare?
No. Most of the money for Obamacare comes from new taxes and fees, as well as from cost cuts to other programs like Medicare and other types of funding that will continue despite the government shutdown.
16. Will the president get paid during a shutdown?
Yes. His salary -- $400,000 -- is considered mandatory spending. It won't be affected.
17. What about House and Senate members?
They'll keep drawing checks, too. The 27th Amendment prevents any Congress from changing its own pay.
18. What does John Q. Public think of all this?
CNN/ORC International poll that came out Monday found that 46% will blame congressional Republicans if the government closes its doors, with 36% saying the president would be more responsible and 13% pointing fingers at both.
19. Isn't there another matter -- the debt ceiling?
Ah yes, that's the next battle brewing. Remember that time when you maxed out your credit card? That's what the debt limit is all about. The U.S. is on the verge of maxing out its $16.699 trillion credit card. And the president must ask Congress to raise the country's credit limit.
But the debt ceiling debacle won't come to a head until October 17. Perhaps it's best to deal with one showdown at a time.
20. Can Congress agree on anything?
The House and Senate did agree on one thing. They finalized legislation Monday to keep paying troops in the event of a shutdown.