Wednesday, April 27, 2011

스톰 어갠 (Storm again)

올 봄은 유난히도 질퍽하군요.  일본지진의 영향인지 사흘이 멀다하고 폭풍을 동반한 비가 내림니다. 글쓰는 지금도 하늘이 시끄매지며 한바탕 퍼부을 기세군요.

너무 많아도 걱정 너무 적어도 걱정..

너무 많아도 걱정이 안되는 건 업쓸까요?  사람에 따라 환경에 따라 답은 다양하겠지요?
법정스님처럼 '무 소유'면 행복할까요?  인생은 어짜피 '공수래 공수거' 인데..

어제 매일이 하나 왔는데, 'Mobile Meal'이라는 기관에서 donation을 요청하는데, 돈은 음식을 만들수 없는 노인들께 실비로 meal and delivery 를 제공 하는데 쓰인다고요... 부자노인들은 물론 돈을내고요.  잠시 숙고를한뒤 약간의 $$를 보냈군요.  '앞으로 2-30년 뒤면 나도 필요할 텐데' 라는 생각에...

잔인한 사월 보내는 아쉬움에 몇자 끌쩍해 봄니다..  =°|°=

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

March Madness 2011

March Madness is Finally over!!!

U. Conn became a Men's Champ, and TAMU grabbed the Women's trophy.  Lots of upset in Men's competition was notable this year, as none of the first- and second-seed teams did not make the 'Final Four'.

In the case of Women's competition, U. Conn was the most favorite, but the team succumbed to second-seed Norte Dame at the semifinal game. TAMU, the school that I attended for my graduate degree, finally beat Baylor at Elite Eight game; they lost three times against Baylor during regular season. Then they marched to the championship game.

In sport games, I love to see upsets.  There are no absolute winners or losers in life.  Those who think are winners should bear in mind that they can be a loser someday.  So be humble.
Those who think are losers, should be excited and learned from these upsets.  They need to diagnose their weakness and work harder to overcome such obstacles. Someday, they will make an UPSET.

꼴찌에게도  갈채를.... =°|°=