Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It is the last day of November, accelerating the leaves off the trees.  Brilliant autumn color is all gone, leaving a pile of fallen leaves on the yard.  We now have to pay for the wonderful nature show (nothing is quite free).  Raking is a heck of fall job, and hope that strong wind blows most of leaves to the neighbors (not the other way ^^).

It is raining. The cold rain in late fall will bring the winter day after day.  It reminds me of an old Korean song "가을비 우산속에".  최헌?

Snakes and bears will try to find a warmer place to hibernate.  Snakes are often found under the compost pile, because the decomposers produce some heat.

It is a happy day, as today is the last day of the fall semester. I will miss some of the students, and all I can do is to wish them move forward in a positive way.
It is a payday, too.  So I should feel much happier.  I can perhaps hypnotize myself to consider myself the happiest man in the world.  Concerns?  Of course there are.  But let's get these behind, as December is coming shortly.  =°°=


  1. December is such a month of transition. We are forced to face the reality of winter. Actually, I don't mind it-when I lived in places that didn't have the sharp transitions of seasons I missed them. I'll soon be wandering around on snowshoes, camera in hand. Still, in just a few short months the greenness will be renewed. The cycle of nature is a marvelous thing.

  2. Nature (and time) is a continuum. Just humans made sections for our convenience, and we fell on it to become sentimental at transition points. Silly? :)
    Thanks for your visiting.
