Monday, March 28, 2011

쿼터 (statehood quarters) 모으기

From 1999 to 2008, the Department of Treasury (재무부) introduced statehood quarters. Five new quarters came out every year, in the order of states joining the federation.  So eastern states were first, and then western states and Hawaii, Alaska were the last.  Each quarter has a unique design (or symbols) representing the state.

Many people including us collected these coins.  Whenever we got the changes, we looked for the new quarters, which were displayed in the collection board.

The project (I thought) was over, so was our collection.  However, I see that the project is moving on the US territories (Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, US virgin islands, etc).

Somehow it is a smart (or sneaky) idea of business.  The government makes money by selling the money, as people buy the money to keep (not use) it.  In other words, the coins turned into a merchandise.



  1. 전 세 아이를 위해 3세트를 만들어준다고 그 10년간 생고생을 했는데 다 모으고 나니까 말씀하신대로 뭐 또 새로 만들어 내더라고요. 그래서 그것들은 아예 포기했지요. ^^

  2. We completed two sets, too. We were actually very proud of it, when we put the last one (Hawaii) in the board. :-)
